
National Rail Strike Averted

By In Insight On 7th December 2022

On December 2, 2022, President Joe Biden signed legislation to prevent a rail strike that would have further crippled the U.S. economy.

The strike could have cost up to $2 billion per day since trains move 28% of our total freight.

The passage of House Joint Resolution (H.J. Res.)100 “provides for a resolution with respect to the unresolved disputes between certain railroad represented by the National Carriers’ Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of their employees.”

The final deal provides a 24% pay increase for rail workers, improved healthcare benefits and allows operating craft workers to take unscheduled leave for medical reasons; however, it does fall short of the unions’ request for paid sick leave.

The threat of a rail strike certainly serves as a reminder to always be prepared and to expect the unexpected. NNR Global Logistics USA can provide customized transloading solutions to strengthen your supply chain.

Transloading provides the following benefits: 

  • Reduced lead times and increased flexibility 
  • Access to alternative ports of entry  
  • Access to short-term storage 
  • Container availability – shipping containers get back in rotation quicker 

Aara K. Pickelsimer

Senior Manager - Global Accounts



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