NNR recognise their responsibility to contribute to the protection of the environment for future generations. We continually monitor our performance and encourage employees, partners and customers to join together and minimise the impact on the environment.

Reducing impact

As a company we share a mission and responsibility to preserve the quality of the environment for future generations. NNR has instituted environmental management as a common management practice throughout our group with specific initiatives to minimise our environmental impact.

Approved environmental systems

Our environmental management system is based upon the standard of ISO14001 with clearly defined objectives highlighting areas for improved performance to minimise impact. Regular meetings and audits collect data and feedback is relayed to all stakeholders.

We are all responsible

NNR encourages our employees, partners and customers to join with us in reducing the effect we have on the environment. Stewardship of the environment rests with us all and we must all play our part in ensuring future sustainability.

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